Wahls in Des Moines

Dr. Terry Wahls LIVE in Des Moines on March 29 (Ticket link)

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Terry Wahls LIVE in Des Moines

About the Event

Capital Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center presents Dr. Terry Wahls at a free public lecture in Des Moines on Sunday, March 29 at 4 p.m. at Des Moines University.

After Dr. Wahls’ first well-attended talk in June 2018 here in Des Moines, the momentum for the Wahls Protocol and holistic health here in Des Moines and Iowa was palpable and exciting. Dr. Chris LoRang, owner and chiropractic physician at Capital Chiropractic, is a Certified Wahls Protocol Health Professional and knows the impact of hearing Dr. Wahls in a lecture setting. “We knew we had to welcome her back to Des Moines as soon as possible,” said Dr. LoRang.

Her March 29 lecture topic will be “Ketogenic Eating and Fasting for Improving Brain Health and Longevity.” Her talk is in support of the March 2020 release of a revised and expanded edition of her book, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, with Penguin Random House.

This event is made possible in collaboration with Avery Penguin House, Des Moines University, and The Harkin Institute at Drake University. This event is endorsed by Iowa Healthiest State Initiative.

Terry Wahls LIVE in Des Moines presented by Capital Chiropractic

Print version of event flier.

Learn more about Terry Wahls, M.D.

“Terry Wahls, MD, is one of the rare health experts and bestselling authors who not only walks the talk but actually researches the talk . . . Her newly revised book, The Wahls Protocol, is a classic in the emerging field of personalized lifestyle medicine and should be required reading for every medical student, practitioner, and patient who cares about their health.”  —Sara Gottfried, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Younger.

Terry L. Wahls, M.D, is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City. She has made it her mission to spread the word about the Wahls Protocol through the book, her lectures and seminars around the globe, her website, The Wahls Research Fund, and her Wahls Protocol Seminars for the public and health professionals. Dr. Terry Wahls lives in Iowa City, Iowa, with her wife and daughter. Her son, Zach Wahls, is the author of the New York Times bestseller, My Two Moms.

Previously a marathoner and mountain climber, Dr. Terry Wahls found herself in a wheelchair due to secondary progressive MS. Frustrated with traditional treatment, she decided to take her health into her own hands by using her knowledge of functional medicine, ancestral health principles, and background as a medical researcher to create her own treatment protocol. In a mere nine months, she was back on her bike, riding eighteen miles in one day. The protocol grew into The Wahls™ Diet, a nutrition and lifestyle treatment plan that has been investigated in multiple clinical trials, including one funded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society(NMSS). In 2019, the National MS Society provided a million dollar grant to The University of Iowa’s and Dr. Wahls’s team to study The Wahls™ Diet.

About the Revised and Expanded Edition of The Wahls Protocol

In THE WAHLS PROTOCOL: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (Avery; Updated and Revised Edition; March 2020), Dr. Wahls shares how those suffering from the autoimmune conditions, as well as chronic diseases like diabetes, and even mental health problems, can have more energy, less pain, more joy and steadily improving health. First published in 2014, the new edition has over 30% new material including the latest scientific findings on fasting, ketosis, neurorehabilitation, and behavior change science. The result can help people be even more successful as they adopt and sustain the recommended diet and lifestyle changes and transform their lives, improving their brain health, quality of life, and overall well-being.

While medication may ease your symptoms acutely (sometimes with side effects that actually make people feel even worse), true health begins with the food you eat. The Wahls™ Diet, the cornerstone of THE WAHLS PROTOCOL, advances the idea that our bodies do better when we take in nutrients–that is the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids from food–rather than relying on pills and supplements.

The 2020 revised and expanded edition material includes:

  • Updated research from The Wahls Research lab showing meaningful improvement in motor function and energy levels, reduced fatigue, and improved mood and cognition. 
  • Guidance on how to use ketosis and fasting strategies to boost stem cells naturally. 
  • New research on the microbiome, and how the protocol impacts the microbiome to improve overall health. 
  • New recipes 
  • Testimonials from people with health issues beyond autoimmune disease such as obesity, mental health problems, and neurodegenerative diseases. 
  • Published peer reviewed clinical trials from the Wahls Research Lab.

Separated into four different dietary levels depending upon the reader’s needs (including the all-new Wahls Elimination Diet, which aggressively reduces inflammation and can help to pinpoint individual food sensitivities), THE WAHLS PROTOCOL is based on the latest research on autoimmune disease, evolutionary biology, brain biology, and Paleo principles. This goes beyond a Paleo diet. It is a specific program detailing exactly what to eat to maximize healing at four levels of intervention. 

About The Wahls Protocol

THE WAHLS PROTOCOL offers hope for anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease or other chronic medical problems. In Dr. Wahls’ words, “The most exciting thing about the Wahls Protocol is that it puts your care back under your control. It’s so easy to feel helpless, lost, and dependent on doctors and family members when your health declines. THE WAHLS PROTOCOL offers you a chance to create more health and vitality . . . . You have a future and it doesn’t have to be a dark one.” THE WAHLS PROTOCOL is a key addition to the “whole food” revolution, and a deeply moving, results-driven testimonial to the healing power of food.

Praise for The Wahls Protocol

There are very few books that have had the impact of THE WAHLS PROTOCOL—for the first time, autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosiscan  be treated causally instead of reactively, supportively instead of suppressively…This book is a must-read for all of us who want to see the end of the threats of multiple sclerosis and other chronic illnesses.” 

Prof. Dale Bredesen, author of the NYT bestseller The End of Alzheimer’s 

“Using clear language, Dr. Wahls teaches how our food and lifestyle choices create health or disease depending on our choices. For anyone suffering from autoimmune or other chronic health problems, this book will be life changing.”
Mark Hyman, M.D. #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Blood Sugar Solution. 
“Whether or not you struggle with autoimmune diseases, I can’t recommend The Wahls Protcol highly enough. Dr. Wahls provides a clear, in-depth, copiously researched dietary and lifestyle protocol to help you take charge of your health and your life. An absolute must-read book.”
JJ VirginNew York Times bestselling author of The Virgin Diet

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