Community Garden Share Table at Capital Chiropractic

Capital Chiropractic Launches Community Garden Share Table

Abbie SawyerEvents, Your Best Life

Community Garden Share Table at Capital ChiropracticOne of our most renowned strengths in Iowa is our rich soil. And, finally, home gardening season is upon us.

As we lean into these summer days and watch the green spaces around us thrive, our team at Capital Chiropractic has been brainstorming how we can connect more people with the abundance from local gardens around DSM.

So we are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative at our clinic, the Community Garden Share Table. The concept is simple: take a vegetable, leave a vegetable (or herb, fruit, or other garden produce). We have a table set up in our clinic, right in front of the community art wall, where anyone is welcome to donate or partake of our local abundance.

Community Garden Share Table FAQs

Where is this produce from?

All items have been donated by community members who are sharing their garden abundance.

When and how can I drop off produce?

Items can be donated during clinic hours. Please bring them in and place on the designated table.

Can I really take this produce home for free?


When will you end the table for the year?

We will have it open until October.

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PDF of Community Garden Share Table Flier

PDF of Community Garden Share Table FAQs


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