Have you ever stepped on the scale, only to be met with disappointment? The number on the display doesn’t always tell the whole story. What truly matters is your body composition – the breakdown of your body into key components like muscle, fat, water, and bone. This is where InBody scales come in. InBody scales use Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) …
Our Health Community – Correct Toes
We don’t sell very many products or supplements in the clinic, but the ones that we do, we really like. Correct Toes is one of those products. We reached out to Correct Toes recently for an interview in order to learn a bit more about their history, their process, and why they created Correct Toes in the first place. Why …
July 22 Workshop for Crossfitters in Des Moines
Join us for Movement Flow When and where Sat., July 22 10:30 am CrossFit Akeso 417 SW 8th Street About the workshop What you do before and after your workout is just as important as the workout itself. In this 60-minute workshop, learn five specific activation exercises to perform pre- and post-workout. These exercises will improve your Movement Flow during …
Top Sports Chiropractors From Around the Globe Convene in D.C.
By Dr. Andy Strachan Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington, D.C. I was invited to attend the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) annual meeting and symposium. I spent a week with some of the top sports chiropractors from around the globe. My role with FICS has given me the opportunity to work with a …
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization For the Golfer
Prague School of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine Last month, Dr. LoRang traveled to St. Louis to attend a 3 day conference on Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), specifically geared toward the golfer. This course is one of many DNS courses that Dr. LoRang has completed. DNS forms the clinical base on which Capital Chiropractic is built and is the reason that …
2014 Year in Review | Highlights and Photos
As 2014 draws to a close, we look back at the last 365 days in wonder and happiness at all the incredible people that made this year one of growth, health, and community. Thanks for being a part of it. Milestones Welcomed a new team member, Natalie, as Office Manager. Named Business of the Year by the Downtown Des Moines …
Q&A About Acupuncture
Earlier this month, I completed my certification in Chiropractic Acupuncture. As word has spread, I have heard many questions, both in the clinic and out in the community. Here are responses to people’s most common questions about acupuncture. Does it hurt? What does it feel like? Some people report feeling a feel a small pin-prick when the needles are first …
Chris LoRang Treats Athletes at Crossfit MAT Games Competition
From 8 am until 7 pm on Saturday, Crossfit athletes from across the Midwest competed in the first annual MAT Games at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines, hosted by the gym Crossfit 8035. Whether or not you recognize Crossfit terms like WOD, snatch, clean, jerk, pistol, or abbreviations like T2B, K2B, or DU, there was no doubting that the MAT …
Perform at Your Best: Plantar Fasciitis Risks, Prevention, & Treatment
About Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is a heel condition characterized by pain on the base and middle side of the heel, especially upon the first steps of the day. With stretching, the pain typically lessens. Plantar fasciitis is not genetic. Rather, it is caused by dysfunctions in the way the body moves. Specifically, a lack of ankle dorsiflexion, or a …
Dr. LoRang Treats Triathletes with Graston and ART at the Hy-Vee Triathlon
Thousands of participants converged on Gray’s Lake on Sunday for the 2013 Hy-Vee Triathlon in Des Moines. The beautifully orchestrated event unfolded over the morning and early afternoon with athletes from all over the world, on what turned out to be a gorgeous September day. Graston and ART for Athlete Rehabilitation Dr. LoRang was on hand near the rehab station at …
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