Get to Know: Chris LoRang

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Dr. Chris LoRang

Featured in Des Moines Register’s Juice Magazine on June 11, 2013:

Title: Chiropractor and owner, Capital Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

What I do: I am a chiropractor with a comprehensive and functional approach.

Background: I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa, attend­ed massage school in Iowa City, lived abroad in New Zealand for one year and graduated from Palmer College in Davenport in February 2013.

Why I do what I do: I love to help people. It is my goal to help patients learn the best ways to stay pain-free and to stay healthy.

To get away from work, I like to: Cook, run, cycle, do yoga, travel and home-brew beer.

The skill I’ve developed most while on the job: Listening. Valuable infor­ma­tion can be gathered from listening to each pa­tient’s story, learning the history of their pain and what activities cause or relieve it guide me to de­sign the most appropriate and effective treatment for each and every patient.

How I give back to the community: Most recently, I enjoyed providing comp­limentary soft tissue treat­ments to the partici­pants of the Drake Relays road race. Also, I recently helped paint a house with Habitat Young Professionals during the Rock the Block campaign.

Best motivational book I’ve read lately and why I liked it: “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor. This book provides scientific evidence that happiness is not just the result of a successful life, but the source of it. The book reminds me to see happiness as a way of life, not something that only comes after we have reached our goals.

To attract and retain young professionals, Iowa should: Keep going. From bike paths and brew­eries to tech startups and downtown development, Des Moines seems to be on the right track. Both entre­preneurs and the young professional community seem to be very well sup­ported, and this will drive further innovation and retention.

To be taken seriously as a young professional, it’s important to: Be authen­tic. Be honest. Be involved.

My leadership philos­ophy: The most important thing about leadership is building strong and authen­tic relationships. In a speech, President Kennedy made a statement ending with “a rising tide raises all boats.” This is a beautiful concept to consider when building long-term and community-based relationships.

I can help you by: providing a unique perspec­tive on your health care needs. I specialize in soft tissue work, functional rehabilitation, pain relief and athletic performance enhancement. I can help you with many treatment options and healthy strate­gies in the pursuit of your best life.

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